Daily Prayer Topic

A space for us to petition God and testify of His goodness - together!

During this time of prayer and fasting, we would love to come alongside you in petitioning God and testifying about how He is moving. We'd love to hear any testimony you have. There is no such thing as a "small" testimony! Please also submit any prayer requests you'd like our prayer team to be praying about for you. These requests are all kept confidential! 

Form Entry

Morning - Daily Bread

Join us Monday - Friday at 7:00 AM for our Daily Bread prayer call - A 30-minute time of encouragement through God's word and prayer.

Call 309-205-3325 | Meeting ID: 85021448914#

Weren't able to listen? Listen to the recorded calls here!

Evening - Prayer Gatherings

Join us in person for prayer gatherings at the YMCA on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00pm-8:00pm.

Please note that we will NOT be having an in person gathering on Monday, January 6. This Monday only will be a virtual gathering using the Zoom link below.

Join us online for our prayer gatherings each night on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:00pm. Zoom link below. 

21 Days of Prayer -Testimonies

Read about how God showed up during our time of prayer!

God has used this time of prayer and fasting to realign my purpose for it and to remind me that all of this is really about having a deeper relationship with Him! He has been healing things in my heart and I am so thankful.

—Allee Siver

By pulling away from worldly distractions more, Im hearing the Holy Spirit’s voice stronger than habitual lies from the enemy. So thankful for a deeper peace in the Lord!

—Sherry Lane

God has absolutely been turning things around with my work during this fast. He is teaching me things and has been answering a prayer that I asked for during this fast! Thank you Lord Jesus

I've been made aware of areas in my life that God wants to free me from. I also feel like I have a fresh urgency to seek Jesus and I see my need for him. I’ve begun to fall in love with him all over again and see the freedom and boldness he has for me.

Last year during 21 days of prayer and fasting, I had healing of my left ankle. For over a year, I had excruciating pain at times in my left ankle. I pressed in to 21 days of prayer and fasting, and my ankle pain was gone, and has not returned-🙌🏼🙏🏼.

—Chuck Lister

I had to humble myself and accept that fasting social media and entertainment is “good enough”. I'm learning to humble myself and have faith that God is still going to show up and do big things!

—Alyssa Carrera

Jesus showed me that If all I am is his daughter that that is more than enough. I don’t need any more positions or titles.. Thank you Jesus for the healing and revelation and acceptance of being your daughter and for showing me that you are a good father who loves me and has good plans for me.

There were prayers and petitions made during last years fast that I am now seeing the fruit of in this fast. Loved ones are growing in their relationship with Jesus and experiencing the transformation that happens when we come into His presence.

God answered my prayer regarding my workload. My boss approached me on day ONE of the fast and told me some good changes that are coming! Praise God

God's been using this time of prayer and fasting to place a real love of prayer in me and a give me a greater burden to pray. I'm excited as I believe this will be a catalyst for a greater prayer life!

I repented of my sins and through the fast have found a fervor for prayer!

The Lord is renewing my perspective on prayer and giving me this crazy joy toward it. He MOVED in our prayer group today and filled me with excitement about prayer. Thank you, Holy Spirit!

God has been showing me the power that praying his word has. I am thankful for this revelation from Him!

God has been softening my heart of stone and giving me wisdom in my relationships and giving me a new fire for prayer and his word!

He restored my prayer life!

I've seen multiple physical healings during this fast. It's been growing my faith to see that God still moves in miracles!

The Lord has given me faith and a desire to worship that I have never had before.

The Lord has been repairing relationships in my life and in my family!

God has been showing me what it means to have a heart of gratitude in ALL circumstances!

I was feeling discouraged because I hadn't seen breakthrough in any of my prayer requests during the fast. But exactly two days after the fast ended, I found out my BIGGEST and TOUGHEST prayer request was being answered this whole time and I did not even know it! The Lord is ALWAYS MOVING!
